Thursday 3 March 2011

the learning paradigm

learn and learn and learn...what to learn ,where to learn and how to learn...??the answer for this depends on the let me concentrate on one essential point of "how to learn"....before that i will tell you a small incident in my life,how to swim....of course i didnt learn how to swim completely, but i learnt one small concept that is floating my body on the swimming pool and holding my breath on deep water....the way which i learnt  is different...i cannot explain u all those things rite now ... i implemented the "way" which i felt "comfortable" or which i viewed as the interesting and an easy one to learn...the thing i just want to explain is my view while friends explained different ways to swim and out of that i chose "one"...the "one" which i felt is different ,interesting and easy...this was my view on the "one"......every person's success and failures on a particular goal depends on how he /she views the goal..

Now i will tell u a kind of view when i experienced a failure..say at the time of preparations of my iit jee that time my view towards learning was overwhelmingly a superior view....this view enlightened an ego inside the time preparation instead of assesing my level and working on it ,i was in feeling that i got a seat in iit with a top rank and enjoying with friends and parties etc,  ..i was fallen into cloud nine...holes started building up and i didnt realize these.... finally at the time of result i got the topmost rank ,that is, rank no.0......i just say that our views express our attitude..and here i refer learning as a general thing..

every body in their life has a long term goal few people are successful and few are not..the reason behind failure is the improper assesment of their goals..they dont realize what their goals are...a long term goal is realized by assesing our success in short term goals..its actually "where we stand","how we stand"and "for what purpose we stand",these three are the major governing questions which decides our all of u work hard and be successful in your life..."keep smiling"..... :)        


  1. Truely said!..n mainly everyone can relate themself to it! because every one would have faced some sort of failure and would have overcome them! the conclusion part is awesome! nicely written! and very inspiring!
    keep d gud work!

  2. hey friend, nice's lovely. I try to do this but it doesn't come out right. I like the way you portray...success and failure. It's true that you need to fall, face defeat to be able to rise powerfully, but I'd like to also say that the goal part that you said, about it, yes you need to work hard. But without aligning beliefs with the goal, the 'hard' work put in is useless...just make sure that you find a reason that's compelling enough for you to go on, then hard work won't be so hard. I hope you understand what i said

  3. wow, explains my situation right now !!!!! thank you...

  4. Hey Revanth,

    I really appreciate your frankness & guts to post an article as it is according to your past experience. It was very nicely narrated in the words of experience like how ego & day dreams can also take a prominent role of missing one's goal .. it is a common tendency & mistake of most of the people who have big goals to achieve in their lives.. few would get realized & few miss it even in the next attempt as well.. but to prove themselves the opportunities would be there forever (might be in other formats), that's what every one has to realise.

  5. nice read!a lot of us can relate to the IIT preparations..

  6. Hey Revanth. I read the article and I really liked the sentiment almost expressed: an urge to learn from failures and not be afraid of them.

    I would have loved it if you had taken into consideration the aspect of grammar. You are a writer, and as a writer it is your responsibility to uphold the rules of grammar. I hope that next time you keep in mind about this little, but most important aspect of writing.

    I hope to read more from you! Keep us posted!


  7. Hello Revanth,

    Warm regards. Written straight from the heart, and you have spoken from your gut. The words almost came tumbling out, I see, in a torrent- and laid out your brave heart bare. You will do great, I am sure.

    Apart from the little poem by Robert Frost which I shared with you on Facebook, I leave you with another little poem of his. You will find yourself in these lines, and they will come true for you some day in entirety.

    The Road Not Taken

    "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
    And sorry I could not travel both
    And be one traveler, long I stood
    And looked down one as far as I could
    To where it bent in the undergrowth;

    Then took the other, as just as fair,
    And having perhaps the better claim
    Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
    Though as for that the passing there
    Had worn them really about the same,

    And both that morning equally lay
    In leaves no step had trodden black.
    Oh, I kept the first for another day!
    Yet knowing how way leads on to way
    I doubted if I should ever come back.

    I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference."

    -Robert Frost

    With best wishes,
